JavaScript is a high-level, single-threaded, garbage-collected, interpreted or just-in-time compiled, prototype-based, multi-paradigm dynamic language with a non-blocking event loop, made famous for building websites. It was created in 1995 in just one week by Brendan Eich, with the goal of adding an easy-to-learn scripting language to the Netscape browser. Originally named Mocha, the marketing team at the time rebranded it to sound like the then-trendy Java language. Today, it’s a fully featured language that continues to evolve through the ECMAScript standard.
What’s Wrong with Japan’s Economy? Locals explain
When I think about getting married and having children in the future, I just can't consider marriage with my current salary. Especially our generation now, we don't feel that our salary will increase steadily if we stay at one company.
How Does the German Border Look Like? | Easy German 571
"Zusammenarbeit" 的意思是合作。在这句话中,指的是国家之间的合作。 // "Ländergrenzen" 在这句话中指的是国家边界。 // "Angewohnheit" 在这句话中指的是习惯、习俗。它形容人们已经习惯于过某种生活方式,很自然地可以超越边界 // "bürokratische" 的意思是 官僚主义的。 // "regelmäßig" 表示“定期地”, “常常”。 // "Freizeitmöglichkeiten" 指的是休闲娱乐的机会或活动。
The amazing, but unsettling future of technology...
reasoning models // AI agents // the robots // job market // AR/VR // project tractor // JavaScript wars // crypto money glitch // political shift // monopoly losers // anti-cloud movement
How Hopeful Are Singapore's Top 1% Students About the Future? | Street Interview
polytechnic // EP(Employment Pass) // cohort // caveat // anathema