- Is Data Science dead?
文章里作家Krista Diamond讲述了自己为什么喜欢Hiking Alone and Do most things alone.
"I am a lone wolf. I am comfortable with myself. I like myself. I have a rich interior life. I am independent. I am selfish. I am faster, more efficient on my own. "
- AI isn't useless. But is it worth it?
谈论AI的一篇文章,在Reality Check小节中里面有句话"When it comes to coding, while it can make for a handy assistant to an experienced developer, it can't replace an experienced developer." Experienced Developer为什么无法被替代,AI和Experienced Developer的决定性区别是什么?
要解决这种决定性区别要怎么做呢?目前来讲,我觉得AI和Experienced Developer决定性区别是workflow,Experienced Developer可以这样思考“在现实遇到某个问题-产生一个解决问题的想法-用思维导图、流程图等方法着手具体化解决方案-编写代码-调试-发布代码-针对Issue及时修改代码”,这样的一个workflow目前AI似乎是很难做到的,AI“有”很多知识,它可以帮你解决局部问题,比如修改代码的CSS file,又或者设计思维导图,但却很难产生这样一整个workflow。
- Why America fell for guns
韦伯说,国家是一个“宣称垄断了正当的暴力使用以维持治安,并能够付诸实行”的实体。也即国家是合法的暴力机关,那么政府应该会尽力保证这种合法暴力只在国家权力中流通,并降低民众所拥有的暴力以防止混乱,维持稳定,美国因为枪支导致民众拥有的暴力很高,美国政府对此的态度是什么呢?现在美国也有支持禁枪和支持持枪的两种势力在对抗,他们的动机和目的是什么呢?文章里提到美国gun problem的其中两个原因是increase in crime and a decline in trust in the US government,但这不是主要原因, 更主要的原因应该是这个the new gun capitalists learned how to stimulate demand through marketing foreign guns as desirable consumer goods for the everyday American.
- Notes on Structured Programming
These notes have the status of “Letters written to myself”: I wrote them down because, without doing so, I found myself repeating the same arguments over and over again. When reading what I had written, I was not always too satisfied.
- What You Need to Read Before You Read Kant)
Why are Kant’s famous three Critiques known as such? What are they critical of and why? They are a critical reflection on the limits of the application of reason, and at the same time, of Kant’s own philosophical tradition. Kant was educated into Rationalism, more precisely the philosophy of Leibniz as revised by Christian Wolff. Rationalists believed that knowledge stems from reason. Doubts about the accuracy of this basic idea had begun to arise for Kant years before his Critical period, but when he read David Hume he was fully awakened from his “dogmatic slumber”. ‘Dogmatism’ became Kant’s way of referring to Rationalism, while he referred to Hume’s tradition, Empiricism, as ‘scepticism’. Empiricists, in contrast to Rationalists, believed that knowledge came from experience alone. One distinction is particularly useful to be clear about, that between reason and understanding. ‘Reason’ is the ability of humans to think logically. It has nothing to do with being particularly intelligent or educated. While there are ways in which you can improve your reasoning skills, Kant believes that is an ability we all have, so nobody is excused from thinking rationally. It means being able to infer a conclusion from reasons and to avoid fallacies such as holding mutually contradictory beliefs. So, ‘reason’ is what we use to think well; it is independent of experience. ‘Understanding’, by contrast, has to do with the way we make sense of the world, so it has everything to do with experience. This distinction also takes the form of a priori – ‘before experience’ and a posteriori – ‘after experience’. Spoiler alert: Kant is going to say that reason is an insufficient condition for knowledge. He thinks that we need input from the world to hold knowledge, so it is the understanding and the complex ways in which reason works and interacts with the senses and the external world that gives us knowledge. Knowledge is a posteriori and any attempt to attain knowledge by reason alone is only going to plunge us into “darkness and contradictions”. It is in the field of ethics, covered in the Critique of Practical Reason, that reason really comes into its own: Kant believes that we employ reason to be free in our thinking about moral principles, they are a priori.
- Internet Archive
- Desklamp
step1. 在Yomichan里Enable Anki integration
step2. 下载AnkiConnect插件
step3. 创建一个Anki deck存放书的快照,比如Read,这个Anki deck的Note Types,比如是ReadTypes,它的Fileds里要添加Screenshot参数,如何添加:Tools->Manage Note Types->ReadTypes->Fileds->右上角Add->Screenshot
step4. 回到Yomichan,Configure Anki card format(找不到可以Ctrl+F,搜索Configure Anki card format),Deck选择刚刚创建的Read,Model选刚刚创建的ReadTypes,Screenshot填写{screenshot}
step5. All set!
P.S.还有一种奇淫巧计,就是用翻译插件如Immersive Translate,将页面一些地方翻译成日语,然后用Yomichan添加这些地方的单词,就可以实现把任何语言的书的某一页做成Anki卡了,注意Check for card duplicates要关掉
- Manim – Introduction
- Frozen Fractal
一个Game Developer的网站。
- ワンパンマン
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- Hello-CTF
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