
Crash Course Philosophy

约 291 个字 预计阅读时间 1 分钟


  • 课程链接: Crash Course Philosophy
  • 主讲: Hank Green
  • 课程简介: Today Hank begins to teach you about Philosophy by discussing the historical origins of philosophy in ancient Greece, and its three main divisions: metaphysics, epistemology, and value theory. He will also introduce logic, and how you’re going to use it to understand and critically evaluate a whole host of different worldviews throughout this course. And also, hopefully, the rest of your life.
  • 部分课程反馈:
    🙌@ennuied: I chose philosophy to find out why I chose philosophy.
    🙌@brotataftw6046: This is proof that a "teacher" can determine how u look at a subject
    🙌@omi_cha: I hold so much adoration for whoever composed the intro music for this series. it's ethereal
  • Prerequisite: If you have some basic understanding of philosophical questions, it would be better, but it's okay if you don't. If you're not accustomed to English lectures, you can download the Immersive Translate extension at Chrome Web Store and enable the automatic opening of bilingual subtitles.
    看过梯利的西方哲学史会有一定帮助,不过没有也可以,如果不习惯英文授课,可以在Chrome Web Store下载Immersive Translate插件,打开自动开启双语字幕
