





  • Would I use Duolingo to learn a new language?

    Duolingo的好处是fun, easy to do, to test yourself(quick feedback) // 缺点是slow progress, limited exposure and no autonomy(you have no control over the material you learn)//Steve's advice-Using an app like Duolingo is fine, just make sure that it's not the only resource you're using.

  • The entrepreneur’s guide to learning languages

    Steve compared his business experience with his language learning experience in the video // similarity#1: commitment //difference#1: background knowledge,语言学习,尤其是不同语系的学习,往往是start from zero,这很正常,但是做生意,如果你没有一些market knowledge, product knowledge, people who can help you,那么你做生意的路会非常非常难走,所以在做生意中prior knowledge非常重要,而在语言学习里,prior knoledge不是那么必须//difference#2: volatility, 语言学习更像是atomic habit,just by stick to it you will gradually get better and better but business is a lot more volatile // diffrence#3: relying on other people,语言学习中你几乎不需要依赖他人,但是在生意中你非常需要依赖于他人, you rely on contacts, suppliers and customers // difference#4: consequences of quitting,在语言学习中,你可以随时退出,基本不用承担任何代价,you are a vagabond,但在生意中不同,In business, if you undertake to do something, you have to deliver.所以你无法随意quit,无法随意犯错 // similarity#2: consistency and perseverance // difference#5: what's at stake,在语言学习中,你一般不会花费大量的金钱,whatever level you reach in a new language, it's always rewarding and beneficial,但在生意中,你需要花费很多金钱,In business, you often rely on luck far more than you do in language learning

  • The benefits of a bilingual brain - Mia Nacamulli

    bilingual基本可以被分为three types: 1. compound bilingual (develop two linguistic codes simultaneously with a single set of concepts) 2. coordinate bilingual (working with two sets of concepts) 3. subordinate bilingual (learn a secondary language by filtering it through their primary language) // critical period hypothesis: according to this theory, children learn language more easily because the plasticity of their developing brains let them use both hemispheres of brain in language acquisition. While in most adults, language is lateralized to one hemisphere, usually the left // 不管你啥年纪学会的第二外语,being multilingual都有一定好处,比如higher density of the grey matter that contains most of your brain's neurons and synapses. And more activity in certain regions when engaging a second language // 另一个好处,help delay the onset of diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia // bilingualism may not necessarily make you smarter, it does make your brain more healthy, complex and actively engaged.

  • Tips for reading philosophy

    enroll a legit course if possible // developing a reading group is recommended // working with online resources that are vetted by the profession//skim and slog method,和上次那个教授讲的很像,先搭框架,再雕细节,不要一上来就想逐字逐句弄明白 // annotating philosophical texts // watch out for the logical moves that are being made. Argument shoube be coherent, valid and sound. // look out for potential errors or logical fallacies//resist your first and second urge to stop reading. Don't check your phone // read the text in more than one sitting // learn to swim (metaphor),这句话没有给出具体的方法论,different thinkers have different waters,那我们怎么自适应的在不同的waters里面畅游?博主提到哲学书往往有a consistent pattern、a consistent flow,所以我觉得关键是前后对比的读,去把握这种flow,不要在一个难句,一个艰涩篇章纠结太久,把握flow后,晚点回头来读可能会发现这些难句、艰涩篇章并不是这么难了

  • Ultimate VS Code setup for Rust development (2025)

    讲了一下VS Code怎么设置Rust环境 // 两个核心extension-rust-analyzer CodeLLDB,rust-analyzer可以代码补全、语法检查、运行代码,CodeLLDB is a native Debugger,帮助Debug rust code // 另外还推荐了一些其他扩展,Even Better TOML Dependi Error Lens Todo Tree Github Copilot
