


日期:2024年4月12日 课程链接:Intro to Psychology: Crash Course Psychology #1

  • 信息1:The word 'psychology' comes from the Latin for the "study of the soul." And while its formal definition has evolved over the last several decades, today we can safely call it the science of behavior and mental processes.
  • 信息2:From the efforts of those early thinkers up until today, the field of psychology has been all about tackling some of the big questions: How can humans do horrible things like commit genocide and torture other humans, and how come we know those things are horrible? Do we have free will, or are we simply driven by our environment, biology, and non-conscious influences? What is mental illness, and what can we do about it? And what is consciousness? Or the notion of self? If I lose my awareness of myself, am I still human?