'Monkey Selfie' Lawsuit Ends With Settlement Between PETA, Photographer
2011年,一只名为Naruto的黑猴发现了英国自然摄影师大卫·斯莱特(David Slater)的摄影器材,并拍摄了一系列自拍照,这提出了一个复杂的问题:谁拥有Naruto拍摄的图像,猴子还是人?尽管学术界此前就动物版权保护问题进行过讨论,但猴子自拍之争表明:作为一般规则,非人类行为者不享有版权保护。
Of course if you’ve ever worked at a big company, you know that while those things seem true, it often doesn’t feel like it. Big companies are rarely well-oiled innovation machines, and it certainly doesn’t feel like you’re constantly outpacing the competition.
- The Life and Death of Hollywood
微观上从一位曾在Showtime 的 The Affair 担任故事编辑的 Alena Smith 入手,逐渐扩展到宏观视角,探讨影视行业。
Hollywood had become a winner-takes-all economy. As of 2021, CEOs at the majority of the largest companies and conglomerates in the industry drew salaries between two hundred and three thousand times greater than those of median employees. And while writer-producer royalty such as Shonda Rhimes and Ryan Murphy had in recent years signed deals reportedly worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and a slightly larger group of A-list writers, such as Smith, had carved out comfortable or middle-class lives, many more were working in bare-bones, short-term writers’ rooms, often between stints in the service industry, without much hope for more steady work. As of early 2023, among those lucky enough to be employed, the median TV writer-producer was making 23 percent less a week, in real dollars, than their peers a decade before. Total earnings for feature-film writers had dropped nearly 20 percent between 2019 and 2021.
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- ChatTTS
ChatTTS is a generative speech model for daily dialogue.
- fluent-reader
Modern desktop RSS reader built with Electron, React, and Fluent UI.
- flash-linux0.11-talk
你管这破玩意叫操作系统源码 — 像小说一样品读 Linux 0.11 核心代码。
- cal-heatmap
Cal-Heatmap is a javascript charting library to create a time-series calendar heatmap.
- SciencePlots
Matplotlib styles for scientific plotting.