- Day in the Life of a Japanese Delivery Worker
Sagawa Express // In fact, it's pretty rare in Tokyo for someone to live right next to the office as most workers commute on average about one hour by train one way.(查了一下原因:在东京,很多上班族确实不住在离办公室很近的地方,这种现象的原因可以归结为以下几个方面:
1. 住房成本高¶
- 东京市中心的房价和租金非常昂贵,尤其是在商业区附近(如新宿、涩谷、丸之内等地)。很多上班族更倾向于住在郊区或较远的地方,因为那里房租便宜、居住空间更大。
2. 通勤方便¶
- 东京的公共交通系统非常发达,高效且准时。虽然通勤可能需要一小时,但对于很多人来说,这个时间是可以接受的。而且通勤途中可以利用时间看书、听音乐或放松一下。
3. 生活质量的考虑¶
- 市中心的环境通常比较嘈杂,绿化少,而郊区或者远离商业区的地方往往更安静、空气更好,还有更多的公园和开放空间,适合家庭生活。
- 很多人希望给孩子提供一个更适合成长的环境,比如接近学校、公园和安全的社区。
4. 文化习惯¶
- 在日本的文化中,很多人认为“距离产生美”。上班和私人生活分得很开是常见的观念。住得离公司近可能会让人感到没有“下班”的界限。
- 此外,有些人不希望公司同事或领导了解太多他们的私生活(比如知道家住在哪里)。
5. 公司补贴和其他福利¶
- 日本很多公司会提供通勤费用的全额报销。因此,住得远并不会带来额外的经济负担,反而可能让员工选择更大的住房。
6. 历史原因¶
- 在经济高速发展时期(如20世纪后半期),东京的住宅区逐渐向外扩展,形成了多个以通勤为主的卫星城市。如今,这种格局已经成为一种惯性。
- Brutally honest: my First Day as a Doctor & Moving In
"Scrubs" 在这句话中指的是医护人员的制服。 // stethoscope(听诊器) // I just wish I was closer to my family. // My faltmates and I bonded over disliking this place.(The sentence "My flatmates and I bonded over disliking this place" means that the speaker and their flatmates became closer or developed a stronger relationship by sharing a mutual dislike for the place they are talking about.
In other words, their shared negative feelings or complaints about the place helped them connect or find common ground in their relationship. It's a somewhat humorous or ironic way to say that even a negative situation can bring people together.)
A 58 Year Old Self-Made Millionaire Shares Her Best Life Advice
- What would you say is a big change you made in your life that drastically improved the quality of it? - Not caring what other people think. // maybe we don't need to fall into what society has taught us. // What do you have to lose by not taking that risk? People often think what do I have to lose by taking the risk,what do you lose by not taking it? That pressure that you now have inside your head, that dissatisfaction with yourself, all the regrets...all the 'what-if', that's a lot to bear. We think about what happens if I take the risk and It doesn't work. Well, what happens if you don't take it? // No one's out there going to serve your life on a platter. // I would say there's no need to go faster. Build that foundation. I think people move too quickly. // You never know when it's your last day, your last minute, your last second. And I think that the best choice you can make every morning is to wake up in a good mood.
Asking Wealthy Americans How They Got Rich! (Florida)
One thing that I know that everybody do is say that stuff is hard. Starting business is hard. Investing is hard. Like getting your credit together is hard. Well, It's hard being broke. It's hard being in the same position year after year after year. So you got choose what hard you want. // You want to make money or do you want to make friends? He said this is a business you got to look at it as a business, you're a business. You're your own commodity. And so I always thought about myself as my own commodity. I am my brand. And so another thing he said, he said just always imagine that everybody is pointing a gun at your head. He said It's up to you how many bullets you give them. // Live beneath your means // - What separates middle class from wealthy people in today's world? - Poor people and middle class feel like everything's expensive because they pay for everything with money they've exchanged their time for, and they feel like they're paying for everything with their life because they are. Wealthy, creative entrepreneurs like yourself, like myself, we pay for things according to our creativity. In other words, we create an offer to pay for everything we buy, so everything costs the same amount. //
5 Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Life
In theory, there are only four styles of parenting. Authoritarian parents are controlling and demand obedience without considering the child’s point of view. Permissive parents are loving, but don’t exert any control. There are no rules. Authoritative parents who are firm but loving. They encourage independence, within limits. Neglecting parents are uninvolved and often uninterested in their own child.