





  • What "Follow Your Dreams" Misses | Harvey Mudd Commencement Speech 2024

    The shifting goal: When you're a student, the fundamental goal is to grow, to learn, to become better. So many institutions and structures around you are there to support you in growing and learning and getting better and to reward you for doing so. In life after college, the goal changes a little, and success hinges on how effectively you're able to add value to others. // Action precedes motivation // Timing: another little ingredient that makes following your dreams a little more likely to work out is to ask yourself what's possible now that wasn't possible 10 years ago and which might get harder 10 years from now. // Know your influence // Anticipate change

  • 【戴建业】如何学习写诗填词?如何学习押韵、格律、对偶?-入门篇

    旧体诗 // 以七律为例它就有几个基本的平仄格式:平起仄收,首句不押韵,;平起平收,首句押韵;仄起仄收,首句不押韵;仄起平收,首句押韵 //卜算子全部压的仄声 // 基础较好的用平水韵 // 车万育的《声律启蒙》,王力的《诗词格律》 // 喻守真的《唐诗三百首详析》 // 因声求气 // 唐圭璋的《宋词三百首笺注》 // 龙榆生的《唐宋词格律》 // 沈祖棻的《宋词赏析》 // 陈匪石的《宋词举》 // 龙榆生的《词曲概论》和《词学十讲》

  • 🎧️Japanese Listening🎵 #4『"私は…"って言わないで!!』

    日语听力素材 // 日本語で感情を伝える言葉といえば、『幸せ』『楽しい』『嬉しい』『悲しい』『寂しい』『疲れた』などがあります。 これをすごくナチュラルに話すためのコツがあります。 それは「私は」を使わないことです。

  • Less is More: The Magic of a Simple Life

    Epicurus: for him a good day involved a loaf of bread some water and a nice chat with friends no need for expensive wines or fancy dinners he found joy in the simple things like the taste of plain bread and the sound of laughter. // finding Clarity and purpose and living in harmony with ourselves and the world around us. The philosophy of less is more teaches us that a simpler life is often a happier one

  • One of the biggest issues with Machine Learning courses

    You don't need to study absurd amounts of math in isolation before starting your first ML course. Instead you can jump right in and review the math as it comes up. 用啥学啥 // single variable calculus is all you need for beginning.
