






  1. Efficiency

Using LoRA can greatly reduce the amount of resources used to train AI models to perform these tasks.

  1. Speed

These lower-rank models are faster to train,but they also can provide faster outputs.

This can be crucial in applications where results need to happen in real-time.

  1. Limited Resources

In many real world applications the devices that are available to run AI models may have limited computational power or memory.

Your smartphone may not be able to run a large AI model, but a Low-Rank Adaptation can be used for specific tasks you may need.

  1. Stacking and Transfering

Low-rank adaptations can be helpful for transfer learning where a model trained on one task can be adapted to a different, but related task.

This is much more efficient than training the large model to do something from scratch.

The updates and new skills learned by these low rank adaptations can also stack with other such adaptations, so multiple models can benefit each other as well as the original larger model.

  • What Is Consciousness?

    If you can live with half a brain, what if I were to take two empty skulls and take one half of your brain and plop it into one body and the other half and put it in another body, which person would be you? // Not Conscious: Cleverbot. Cleverbot.com is an amazing website where a computer program will respond to your questions really cleverly but only because it is programmed to do so. We wouldn't consider it conscious because it doesn't have a sense of itself. 现在已经有更聪明的bot了,ChatGPT,让这个问题变的更有意思了 // Problem of Other Minds // Philosophical Zombie // Anosognosia: A common example of anosognosia in psychology classes is a patient who has, say, lost the ability to move their left hand. When asked to raise their right hand, they'll say, "Yeah, no problem, here you go." But then when asked to raise their left hand, they'll say, "Oh, yeah, sure, no problem," but not move it. And when asked why they didn't move their left hand, instead of reporting that they can't, they'll confabulate some excuse. For instance, "Oh, I didn't feel like it." // Anton-Babinski Syndrome is even more dramatic. Patients with this syndrome are cortically blind. They cannot see anything. But they deny being blind. They don't know that they can't see because the part of their brain that monitors visual input isn't telling the brain anything. It's not even telling the brain that there is no visual input which means that the parts of their brain responsible for answering questions or creating speech has to completely create a confabulated response. // Swampman. Imagine that I'm walking around in a swamp and then all of a sudden, I get struck by a bolt if lightening and my entire body is burned to a crisp, dissolved into smithereens. But the very same moment, a second bolt of lightening strikes nearby, and it causes a bunch of atoms and molecules to all arrange themselves into the exact same configuration that my body used to have, making a second Michael. Is that me? Would that be me? 跟Derek Parfit的一个thought experiment差不多,Derek是想象有一种机器能把你一个原子一个原子的分解,然后复制所有你的信息,把这份复制的信息以光速传送到火星的另一台这样的机器上,这台机器再用复制来的信息一个原子一个原子的重建你,那这个重建的人还是你吗?想了解更多可以看一下这期视频Arguments Against Personal Identity: Crash Course Philosophy #20 // LEANBACK

  • How I Make Money as a Cozy Self-Employed Artist ✿ The BIG Q&A: Finance, Taxes, Small Biz, Confidence

    Streams Of Income: online shop, adsense, ins reel bonuses, brand deal // diversifying your revenue streams is one of the most important things that I've learned. It's the same idea as not putting all your eggs in one basket // Small biz Finance For Beginners: separate bank account // Tax Basics :Free tax USA // My Background & How to Get Started: a lot of work experience, life is short, make a new Instagram account, don't follow anyone that you know just follow other small businesses that you want to be friends with. And grow on your own terms without any shame because when you first start off No One's Gonna See It Anyway. So just have fun with it dealing with anxiety and life stuff. // How to Deal with Pressure: I am worthy of love even if I am not exceptional. Writing down my affirmations and listening to affirmations and really really reassuring myself that everything will be okay. How I Plan my Day: To-do list. but chill out when it's a super sunny day :D // My Filming Setup: Canon EOS, Iphone 13 pro // Fun Questions!: MBTI: INFJ-A,

  • Jordan Peterson - Why it's so Hard to Sit Down and Study/Work

    注意力容易分散,就是不想坐下来好好学习because you're a mess, that's basically why. You haven't got control over yourself at all.


but how? 该怎么做才能更好的控制自己?where to start?

Okay, so there's the memory function of the unconscious. And there's the dissolutive function that's an interesting one the unconscious contains habits once voluntary now. Automatized and dissociated elements of the personality, which may lead a parasitic existence. // And then there's a creative part

