





  • how to make every day SO fun you don’t even have time to scroll

    setting plans // doing stuff that I'm okay doing alone // being outside // try to talk to people instead of scrolling

  • 【Japanese podcast】Exploring Japanese Workplace Drinking Culture

    そろそろ12月、忘年会のシーズンが近づいてきましたね。 // これは「飲み」と「コミュニケーション」を組み合わせた和製英語で、お酒を飲みながら、職場の人とコミュニケーションを取ることを指します。 // 日本の会社では、仕事が終わった後に、同僚や上司と一緒にお酒を飲みに行く文化があるんです。 // 多くの場合、2時間くらいの「飲み放題」というシステムで開催されます。これは、決まった時間内なら、お酒を好きなだけ注文できるシステムです。 // もちろん、お酒が苦手な人は、ソフトドリンクを飲むことができますよ。 // 私はビール派ですが、カロリーを気にして最初からハイボール("ハイボール" 是指将威士忌或其他酒类加入苏打水或碳酸饮料,调制成的饮品。)とかを頼む人も少なくありません。

  • SHANGHAI. Largest and Richest City in China!

    The Bund // There is so much Western influence there's even a charge in Bull just like the one on Wall Street in New York // Peace Hotel, 1929 // neoclassical HSBC Building. It's served as the branch of HSBC which actually stands for Hong Kong Shanghai banking corporation // Pudong & Puxi // Lujiazui. Since the 1990s Lujiazui was turned into the new Financial District of Shanghai thanks to the economic reforms initiated by leader Deng Xiaoping. Today they call it the Chinese Wall Street. 500,000 people work in Lujiazui with an average age of 29 and a half years, 70% of whom have a master's degree or higher. // Oriental Pearl TV Tower. This tower has 15 observatory levels. There's also a revolving restaurant at the 267m level. // Jin Mao Tower 420m. World Financial Centre 492m.

  • skills to learn in 2024

    Working out // Writing. Writing is the foundation and good writing is simply persuasive communication. Stop complicating things right. Being a good writer doesn't mean you have to use crazy bombastic and hard words. It simply means that your writing is clear and concise. I would much rather write in a way where even a fourth grader can understand me. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. // Music // Content Creation: Becoming a Creator allows you to document your journey. It allows you to spread a message and impact millions of people you can also build a crazy Network. // Good Taste. I'm talking about the ability to have an aesthetic sense. Get into the habit of building your taste. It's also a great way to get to know your unique personality. Overtime you can design a life that is not only aesthetic but also exciting. // Programming. Programming is not for everyone but it's definitely a useful skill to learn. // Networking. A magnetic personal brand. // Cooking. // Quick Wit and Humor. Look you can be a very smart rich and fit guy but if you don't have a good sense of humor and a light-heartedness in your personality you're not going to be charismatic. You got to be able to have that humor inside of you where you just find things positive in life. You got to be able to rip those on liners to say what you want without a filter and be really creative. // Meta Learning. Meta learning is learning how to learn.

  • How To Be A More Interesting Person To Talk To

    how to get infinite interesting topics and eliminate the blank minds in conversations // how to communicate those topics how to bait people to catch on to those topics and then how to keep the conversation flowing // You look around at the environment and you catch your eyes on an object. Here is my coffee mug and then out of an object you pull out five topics that you'd be interested in talking about. // (hmmm seems the second method is not that practical cuz it's an unusual way of questioning. It might make people think 'What are you? A investigator?'(o_ _)ノ)
